Prestressing Systems
Prestressing systems are used to “Pre-Stress” concrete by placing it under compression prior to supporting any loads beyond its own dead weigh
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Post Tensioning Systems
Post-tensioned system is a variant of prestressing system where the tendons are tensioned after the surrounding concrete structure has been cast.
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Precast construction design
Precast concrete is a construction product produced by casting concrete in a reusable mold or “form” which is cured and then erected on site.
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Prestressing Systems
Prestressing systems are used to “Pre-Stress” concrete by placing it under compression prior to supporting any loads beyond its own dead weight
Post Tensioning Systems
Post-tensioned system is a variant of prestressing system where the tendons are tensioned after the surrounding concrete structure has been cast.
Precast construction design
Precast concrete is a construction product produced by casting concrete in a reusable mold or “form” which is cured and then erected on site.